A.A.Brown & Sons

Supreme de Luxe 79786

A A Brown & Sons 20 bore Supreme de Luxe. Serial number 79786. Completed in 2002. The shaping by Robin Brown features our own style of rounded action incorporating double bars with deeply cut flutes making the action appear narrow and flowing. Although double triggers are fitted the well laid back P.o.W. grip is very comfortable and the long stock (15 5/8" L.O.P.) balances the 30" barrels beautifully. The gun is left handed with the bead on the trigger guard bow on the left and the triggers filed to suit. The top lever, however, opens in the customary direction. The engraving, by Keith Thomas, is to the Brown fine rose and scroll pattern with a Woodcock in woodland scene engraved on the action underside. At the time of photography the colour hardened finish has taken on the lovely patina of a lightly used gun. The gun was cased in a renovated oak and leather case, re-fitted inside and completed by a set of Mike Marsh best quality tools and accessories.



A.A.Brown & Sons
1 Snake Lane
B48 7NT
(Visit by appointment only)


Email: enquiries@aabrownandsons.com
Phone: +44 (0) 121 445 5395 


Proof Symbols Table
Matthew Brown Photography
ABAS Productions


Site design by Matthew Brown | All content by Robin & Matthew Brown (except when explicitally credited) | Photography by Matthew Brown Photography (except historical photographs)
Videography by ABAS Productions